Anniversary Quotes For Wife

Here’s raising a toast to 365 days of pure happiness, bliss, joy, love, cuddles, and fun. Here’s to history repeating itself in the years to come!
There is no such cozy combination as man and wife.
Let’s top off the first 12 months of a wonderful marriage by celebrating our first anniversary. I love you a lot, and, if the first year is anything to go by, our lives are going to be one big celebration of love and romance.
Just like wine tastes better with age, the love that binds our relationship is going to grow deeper and deeper as the years pass by. Here’s a toast to a beautiful marriage and a beautiful wife.
It’s been a year since our wedding, but it feels like we got married just yesterday. I’m glad I made you mine forever. Happy first anniversary!

A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife together.
Sharing the good times, bearing the hard times, trusting in love to show us the way. Laughing and living, trusting, forgiving, together forever, side by side, day by day.
If you have brought so much sweetness and love into my life in the very first year of our marriage, I wonder much sweeter the rest of my life is going to become. I love you.
To my wonderful husband who has shown me what love really is. Who are the reason for my happy days and the comfort in my sad ones? Who cheers my successes and encourages me in failures. I am so proud to be your wife. Love you. Happy anniversary.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, nonspecific anniversaries that can be celebrated every day.
Grow old with me, the best is yet to be.